We do not always choose to learn things the hard way but often we don’t have a choice. If I could instantaneously know what the market needs from me, or the best way to represent my skills as a solution to their problems, I absolutely would. This, however, is a trial and error business, and especially right now, a lot more error than trial. Failing with enthusiasm means that we celebrate the mistakes and the successes that are about to come.
Anyone trying to sell the keys to the kingdom is immediately suspicious. Tips and tricks, sure, but anyone claiming to have a surefire method should be regarded with cynicism. Success comes with failure, there is no other way. It is very rare for someone to fall into winning strategies.
So, I am going to focus on embracing the failures. I have quite the collection, in any case. And I want to systematically learn from each and every one. I am going to try not to commiserate every time I smash my face against the wall. Failing with enthusiasm means that I get the stitches, clean up the blood, and learn to turn more quickly in the future.
It is also a description of our ability to take risks, make changes, and to call ourselves on those practices that are inhibiting our progress. This isn’t easy and we shouldn’t pretend like it is. Getting lost in reinventing ourselves every five seconds isn’t ideal. Making sure that we are quick to change is definitely admirable.
Yes, I am definitely struggling right now.
And I couldn’t be happier about it!