Questions I Wrestle With
There are a host of questions I wrestle with as a creative. Most of them you would know already, without even talking to me. The same narcissistic pull, the same neurotic push of “when will people find my genius?” to “why do you even bother?” Usually at the same time, which is absolute torture. But […]
Having a Good Day
I really enjoyed having a good day today. Just like yesterday, I found my flow and my story feels the closest to finished it ever has. I was facing down fear and self-doubt all day. I was planning the future while securing my present. And just like that, right at the end, my lizard brain […]
Another five hundred
So, I have been working all day. The good kind. The writing kind. With the keyboard clacking and my mind going almost blank as the story just appears on the screen. I hit my flow and it was spectacular. I was in it for a few hours. But now I am exhausted, physically and mentally, […]
Looking for the Real World
It’s the end of another school year, so I have been reflecting a lot on what we have been able to deliver for our students. I am happy with what has been going on in the classroom, the kind of universal learning my students are participating in, becoming expert learners. But the one question that […]
Stepping Up
Today I found it more difficult to get started. Not by much, but it took me a minute. The past few days, my fingers have been on fire, dancing across the keyboard and building the narrative of my life. It has been cathartic and deeply therapeutic. Wildly beneficial, both to my physical and mental health. […]
Getting Sidetracked
I am absolutely royalty when it comes to getting sidetracked. I have no problem with my vision or the stories that I want to tell. There is an endless flow of words that need to come out of my head or, quite literally, I start to break down mentally and physically. The same way some […]
The Click of the Keys
It’s not every day that we do the things that bring us the most joy, but it should be. We spend so much time living and reaching for our boss’ dreams that we forget about our own. Money and income become the mantra of the oppressed, drowning out our own hearts in their slow, horrifying […]
You don’t owe it
Your dreams are you own, just as much as your success is. Just as much as your failure, for that matter. Good days and bad, they are your own. No one made you doom scroll through twitter or forced you to binge watch an entire series on Netflix or told you to put your dreams […]
Breaking Free of the Fear
I am sure when it is that I got so scared. I don’t remember feeling this way when I was younger. Back then, stepping out into the world felt more natural, the oxygen in my lungs on fire with vibrancy. I was willing, back then, to take a chance. I would walk across the city […]