Getting Lost in Reinvention

Sometimes it is easy to be distracted by the small details that we tweak and manipulate. Trapped by needless innovation, we run the risk of getting lost in reinvention. Don’t get me wrong. Innovation is key to growth, and we should be constantly looking at those things that we should change about our lives, our […]

Routinely Creative

Being creative is not something you can schedule and yet we have to plan our day around inspiration. Sitting around, staring at the ceiling, and waiting for lighting to spark in our brains is not particularly effective. That being said, sitting down in front of a computer and being instantly inspired is also madness. And […]

Dealing with the Weight

There is so much to be happy about on a daily basis, so many moments that should make us proud, and yet we are constantly distracted by those emotions that weigh us down. The general fatigue that we are all feeling is palpable. It is exhausting to be constantly dealing with the weight of it […]


Fatigue, especially in this moment in time, is heavier than it has ever been. I know that I have been feeling this, deeply, since all of this began. It’s an understandable reaction to an unbelievable moment in history and we shouldn’t feel bad about it, in any way. We are going to have those days […]

Investing the Time

In our day-to-day plan, the questions often comes up about how we are choosing to invest our time. Make no mistake, it truly is an investment, in most cases more meaningful than any financial ones we might make. Investing the time is an important balancing act for all of us. Work is work. That’s neither […]

Taking a Moment

I used to feel tremendous guilt if I wanted to go for a walk, both in my traditional job and when I am writing. Very few people around me seemed to take a moment. Hell, most people I knew would work through their lunches, munching on a sandwich and few grapes, busily typing away. So, […]

Treading Water

Sometimes it’s all you can do, just to stay afloat. No forward progress, no extraordinary successes, just the day to day of your business life. When this happens, we can get into our own heads, fixate on the problem, and start to wallow in the illusion of failure. If we aren’t moving forward, we must […]


Momentum is a word that terrifies me. We use it entirely too often to describe an effect that has nothing to do with inertia, in any sense of the word. Building a base, scheduling your day, and growing your business is not momentum, it is work. I think my problem with the word is that […]