Getting Started

It has taken me a long time to get started, far longer than it should have. While I can’t say that I have wasted my time, I haven’t really been pursuing that which makes me happiest. I have waited, creeping in the corner, hoping for some sign that was never coming. Trapped in indecision.

Moving through the System

It’s incredible to me how much time we waste trying to fit ourselves into the narrow perceptions of the systems around us. I have spent the majority of my life in the education system; as a student, teacher, learner, and leader. This time has taught me that the systems that we use, as well intentioned as they may be, inevitably lead to inequity.

Whole Health Attitude

We all struggle with health issues. That’s something I can say with confidence. Whether it’s weight, blood pressure, depression, or any of a list of thousands of ailments, being sick is a kind of pastime of the human condition. What makes us unique is that we spend so much time, money, effort, and mental gymnastics to pretend like it isn’t.